CVP Communicator Value Package
PDF E-Books
When you buy direct from the author (me), you’ll get these two books in PDF format -- along with several other PDF tools made for authors and artists (see below). I wrote both books from the start to take advantage of the PDF e-book format. So my readers could instantly use the hundreds of industry hyperlinks that connect you to a world of new opportunities. And, so you could enjoy unencrypted use of your new source material. No scrambling, no copy protection, no DRM. Copy and print to your heart’s content. PDFs are perfect for reading on your PC, iPad, or tablet.  What’s in the books? Well, here’s what I put on the paperback back covers --
home Questions? Contact the author, Jonathon Donahue -- Th Self-publish your book! n  Make money now -- no more waiting on agents or publishers n  Triple your income compared to regular publishing royalties Step-by-step guide to self-publishing success from an elearning multimedia designer Make advanced multimedia ebooks n  Learn how to add video and audio, and Flash animation n  Create a truly interactive ebook that lets your readers     control complex simulations with variable calculations  Paperback or ebook! Self-publish a paperback with zero advance printing costs n  Re-package your paperback as a pure-profit ebook n  Get your book on Amazon -- free global internet marketing n  Run a high-intensity professional PR campaign n  Learn how to make your own website for high net profit sales n  Copyright your book and put it in the Library of Congress n  Get tax breaks for research, travel, and home-office expenses n  Price your books for maximum profits Like to draw? Drawing for Money is about making a very good living from art-related work. How to earn significantly more than the US average family income, even while you are still single! You’ll learn to leverage your talent – your drawing ability – in different occupations where your visual communications skill adds great value. Specific high-paying opportunities for artists in different key industry sectors, like advertising, defense, high-tech, and medical -- are  thoroughly covered. The author, following a first career in ad agencies and a second as a corporate multimedia designer, provides extensive real-world experience and examples to help you make more money doing the work you love.  n  Career strategy and tactics -- you’ll learn proven tips for rapid promotions... as well as how to avoid layoffs and offshoring. Drawing for Money is about job security as well as increased income. Find the best new jobs
But wait, there’s more! (a lot more)
Because I think you’ll like these extra PDF tools that I’ve made -- and used in my position as a Multimedia Designer at two Fortune 500 corporations.
 Author’s Checklist... step-by-step procedure from concept through production and distribution.
6-Color Paint Mixing Color Reference Guide Printing Color Guide Web Color Guide
Next, you get two color guides I made and have used for years. They solve the problem of specifying similar colors for both print and web... and the guides are made to work together. The web guide lets you change the background color to preview how differently colored text wil appear. I’ve also included a one-page PDF that makes it easy to select any color -- at a glance -- with your art program’s color picker. Lastly, if you like to paint -- or want to try your hand at acrylics -- here’s the secret to color-mixing -- use six primary colors instead of three... with page after page of actual painted color-mixing results!
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PDF e-books